  Sunday - March 16th, 2025

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Local Musicians Continue to Provide Live Entertainment

These have been trying times for many, and local musicians in the Quad Cities are no exception. These hard-working and creative individuals have gone from providing entertainment to the masses to hunkering down at home with the rest of us.

Although we are finding new ways to find entertainment on the weekends (that don’t involve going out in public or with groups of people) there’s no reason not to have some have fun!Local Musicians Continue to Provide Live Entertainment

Among the rising number of local musicians continuing to provide entertainment to the community, Jef Spradley and Jordan Danielsen have taken their shows online. Both Facebook Live and pre-recorded videos are providing opportunities for these artists to keep their fans entertained, as well as create new ones!

Jef and Jordan will be bringing a duo performance to FB Live tomorrow, Saturday Mar 21 at 7 p.m.! Make sure to stay tuned to their Facebook pages for more information. And don’t hesitate to help a couple of amazing local musicians with some PayPal and Venmo tips!

Here is a bit more information, including upcoming performances, for Jef and Jordan.

Jef Spradley

Originally from Houston, Texas this country boy found his way to the Quad Cities and now he’s “Local Livin” in Iowa.

Playing music is his passion and he’s been pursuing it full time for the past several years. His music genres range from Classic Rock, Country, to Pop and everything in between. If you spot him playing out you know its sure to be a good time.

Venmo @jef-spradley (For a chance to win a shirt and/or koozie)
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/spradleyjef/

Upcoming FB Live Shows:
Office Jamz w/Jef Spradley Friday Mar 20 FB Live at 4 p.m.
Sunday Fun Day Sunday Mar 22 FB Live at 4 p.m.

Jordan Danielsen

A native of Denver Colorado but raised in the Iowa heartland on the banks of the Muddy Mississippi, Jordan Danielsen grew up with guitar in hand and a harmonica on his neck. He has spent over a decade hosting open mics, performing in wineries, casino’s, pubs, restaurants, festivals and everywhere imaginable from Madison, WI. to St. Louis, MO.

A wandering loner at heart, Jordan has spent much of his musical career as a solo act. However he has also played with some of the finest musicians in the Midwest to create two full length albums and do a bit of touring as well.

In 2011, Jordan released his debut CD Night Alone in the City; an album very diverse from start to finish. Chalked full of soulful horns, electric guitars, acoustic ballads, blues and a tiny bit of hip hop. Jordan’s lyrics tell the story of his life growing up in Davenport, IA., and at times borders on the hilarious.
2014 brought the release of Old Soul, an album much different than it’s predecessor. Jordan spins his musical tales of river’s, roadtrips, and great grandfathers in the civil war. Sleek piano, organ moans, and haunting fiddle make this collection of songs very soothing yet exciting, and tend to take you along for the ride.

In 2014, Jordan started touring with a young musician out of Houston, Texas by the name of Jef Spradley. Jef plays a small stripped down drum set while singing some pretty amazing harmonies. The two together put on a pretty entertaining show and it’s one not to miss. Find out more by clicking on the Jordan & Jef tab.

Always on tour and never without a song in his throat, Jordan writes from his life experiences and reflects his personality through his music. With many more songs to record and endless gigs to play, he continues to strive for new audiences every day.

Venmo @Jordan-Danielsen
PayPal: paypal.me/jordandanielsen
Currently taking song requests and posting individual videos and shout outs to those who request, on Facebook. Send requests on Facebook, either on Jordan’s personal page or music page.

Stay tuned to QuadCities.com for other live and pre-recorded shows from local musicians. Are you a musician with an upcoming live performance? Send some info to Tess@QuadCities.com and we will do what we can to help the Quad Cities music scene stay alive!

Local Musicians Continue to Provide Live Entertainment

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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