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Give Aspiring Musicians the Gift of Ellis Kell Winter Blues Camp This Holiday Season!

Do you have a young aspiring musician in your home? Give them the gift of guidance and joy this holiday season!

The Ellis Kell Winter Blues Camp takes place at the River Music Experience (129 N Main St. Davenport) this Wednesday Dec 26 through Saturday Dec 29 from 1 – 5 p.m.Give Aspiring Musicians the Gift of Ellis Kell Winter Blues Camp This Holiday Season!

This annual Winter Blues program features vocal and instrumental workshops (guitar, bass, harmonica, keyboards & drums), as well as concentration on blues composition and improvisation. Sessions are open to area musicians from 8-18 years old. The cost is just $175.

These sessions will be led by RME’s Bret Dale with Hal Reed of the Mississippi Valley Blues Society and will feature other veteran blues musicians from the region as special guests for these workshop sessions. The focus will be on sharpening one’s individual skills and expressing oneself through the blues roots form – by learning how to improvise, and through the composition of original blues lyrics and music.

The Ellis Kell Winter Blues Camp finishes up on Saturday Dec 29 with a Final Jam at RME! From 6 – 8 p.m. you can come enjoy the results of the students’ hard work throughout this journey. At the end of the night, the lineup for the 2019 Ellis Kell Winter Blues All-Stars who will play multiple gigs in the Redstone Room along with the MVBS Blues Fest, will be announced!

For more information and to register for camp, visit http://rivermusicexperience.org/Programs/Winter-Blues.

Give Aspiring Musicians the Gift of Ellis Kell Winter Blues Camp This Holiday Season!

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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