  Tuesday - March 18th, 2025

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Get In ‘Christmas Vacation’ Mode At Mississippi River Distilling

Get In ‘Christmas Vacation’ Mode At Mississippi River DistillingNothing puts you in the holiday spirit more than a little Chevy Chase and Christmas Vacation. Except maybe enjoying the holiday classic on a distillery floor with friends!

Come celebrate Christmas Eve-Eve this Saturday Dec 23 with Cocktail Cinema: Christmas Vacation! That’s right, Mississippi River Distilling Company and Cody Road Cocktail House will be showing the holiday comedy right on the distillery floor at both 7 and 9 p.m.

Cocktail Cinema will provide the screen, tables, move and the drinks! All you need to bring is your friends, some food or you can order a pizza!

The Mississippi River Distilling Company is located at 303 N Cody Rd in LeClaire. The family owned and operated distillery began their journey in 2010 and is now sharing their spirits with dozens of states of the U.S. and even export to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Germany! For tour information and to keep up with future events at the distillery, check out their website at https://www.mrdistilling.com/.

Head to LeClaire this weekend in the old front-wheel drive sleigh to embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape!

Get In ‘Christmas Vacation’ Mode At Mississippi River Distilling

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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