  Sunday - March 16th, 2025

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Father’s Day Music Cruise

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day activity? Join Riverboat Twilight for a relaxing music cruise.

Father’s Day Music Cruise will take place this Sunday Jun 21 from 3:30 – 6 p.m. aboard the Riverboat Twilight (N Front St. LeClaire) with special guest, Bobby Ray Bunch.Father’s Day Music Cruise

Bobby Ray Bunch has been entertaining audiences since 2008. After serving in the Air Force, he moved back to Iowa and has since been playing at bars, clubs, wineries, breweries and private parties. His set-list includes hits from Elvis, Johnny Cash and Tom Petty to Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pearl Jam and The Rolling Stones!

Ample indoor and outdoor seating and state of the art speaker system will allow passengers to spread out on all three decks while still enjoying the music. Cash bar is available on the third deck. Boarding time is 3:30. Cruise from 4pm to 6pm.

To purchase your tickets today, please visit https://riverboattwilight.starboardsuite.com/e/music-cruise-13437.


For more fun things to do in the Quad Cities this week, check out the latest issue of FUN10QC.

Father’s Day Music Cruise

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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