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Every Night Live-Stream with David G Smith

Join David G Smith this Sunday May 3 at 4 p.m. for Every Night Live-Stream at https://www.facebook.com/heydavemusic/.

This week’s show will feature SONG REQUESTS David didn’t get to last week including: Power of One, Fear & Where Is The Medicine. He’ll be mixing art with music by having Sharon’s ‘Power of One’ quilt on display! If you have other songs from his catalog you want to hear let David know and he’ll add them to his list!Every Night Live-Stream with David G Smith

This week’s SHOUT OUT goes to the Listening Room Network which is a collective of private house concert hosts and public venues across America and beyond that support live music. The wonderful people in this network are especially helpful to the touring musician who depends on them for their livelihood. Thank you and WELCOME!

Lastly, this series is incorporating a new segment called: COVER SONG OF THE WEEK! Along with a performance, it’ll include a little bit of the song’s history.

These shows are for YOU! If you like what you hear, please go to David’s website davidgsmithmusic.com and sign up for his newsletter if you aren’t on it already. Also, if you haven’t “liked” his Facebook Band Page yet please do if the spirit moves you.

Tune in for the Live show at  https://www.facebook.com/heydavemusic/


For more fun things to do in the Quad Cities this week, check out the latest issue of FUN10QC.

Every Night Live-Stream with David G Smith

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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