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Bring Your Clan to the Celtic Festival and Highland Games of the Quad Cities

Looking for a real-life Jamie Fraser? Want to step into another world without leaving the Quad Cities?

Join the fun at the 2018 Celtic Festival and Highland Games of the Quad Cities this Friday Sep 14 from 3-9 p.m. and Saturday Sep 15 from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. along the banks of the Mississippi in Centennial Park (315 S Marquette St. Davenport). Admission is FREE!Bring Your Clan to the Celtic Festival and Highland Games of the Quad Cities

Enjoy blacksmithing demonstrations, a Bonnie Knees Competition, Celtic Princess Competition, Highland Dance Competition, Highland Games, petting zoo, sheep herding demonstration, vendors and so much more!

Find out about the proud Celtic heritage by visiting the colorful tents and exhibits on Clan Row, the gathering place for Celtic societies. Clans attending this year’s festival include: Clan Buchanan, Clan Donald, Clan Elliot, Clan Gunn, Clan Phoenix, Clan Sinclair, Scottish American Society of the Quad Cities, Clan Montgomery, Clan Donnachaidh and Clan Irwin. Don’t miss the Parade of Tartans!

Feel the Celtic pride with live performances from Black Hawk Pipes and Drums, Champagne Academy of Irish Dance, Colleen’s Clogging and Celtic, Exorna, Laural Almquist, Turas and Hearthfire Band.

For more information, including a schedule of events and entertainment for the day, visit http://www.celtichighlandgames.org.

Don’t miss this Celtic celebration!

Bring Your Clan to the Celtic Festival and Highland Games of the Quad Cities

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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