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Disc Golf Offers Exercise And Fun In Quad-Cities’ Era Of Social Distancing

Looking for a way to be out and about at parks and get some exercise even in the era of social distancing?

Try Disc Golf!

What is Disc Golf?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to a sport that is taking the world by storm!  You may have heard people call it “Frisbee golf” or even “frolf.” However, for those of us who play, we prefer to call it “disc golf.”

casas golfingSo what exactly is disc golf?  Well, it is a sport played much like traditional golf.  However instead of a ball and clubs, players use a flying disc, or Frisbee, and try to throw it into a basket with chains.  The sport was formalized in the 1970’s and shares with “ball golf” the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes, (or, in the case of disc golf, fewest throws).

Whatever you want to call it, it is a sport that is gaining more and more popularity every year.  It has made its way onto ESPN on Sports Center’s top 10 plays of the week numerous times, and is popular not only in the states, but in Europe as well.  But, before we go any further, I would like to tell you my story of how disc golf became a part of life.

I began playing in early 2013, I had just moved to Davenport from Iowa City.  Some local friends introduced me to the sport, and I immediately fell in love.  I began playing every day.  I got the bug, and I was hooked!

It wasn’t long before I met local professional disc golfer Ben Callaway.  After first meeting him, I was impressed not only by his talent, but by his down to earth personality, and his willingness to help someone he had just met.  Ben began working with me, teaching me the skills and fundamentals that I would need to be successful on the course.

Disc Golf Offers Exercise And Fun In Quad-Cities' Era Of Social DistancingThe more I learned, the more I wanted to learn.  My passion, drive, and determination, were fueled by my will to succeed.  Fast forward to May of 2013.  After only a few short months of playing, my discipline and hard work paid off as I won my first A -tier tournament, The Des Moines Challenge in Des Moines.  A couple of months later, I won another tournament, also in Des Moines.  Disc Golf has been a big part of my life ever since.

I also want to thank local pro disc golfers, Mike Robinson (MDR) and Dustin Oostendorp, for their help in making me a better player.  When I’m not working my full time job as a professional magician, I play tournaments on the weekends and I am always working on improving my game.  This year I made the decision to turn professional, after having a successful 2015 season.  I recently began teaching disc golf clinics for kids.  Not only do I love working with the youth, it is very rewarding and I love helping the growth of disc golf. Which is why I agreed to write this for QuadCities.com!

Where can you go and play?  Well, there are several courses located in the Quad-Cities.  West Lake Park, Camden 1 and 2, Middle Park, Prospect, and Eastern, just to name a few.  Obviously in this era of social distancing you want to remain six feet away from anyone else on the course and bring your hand sanitizer, but otherwise, disc golf is a great way to get out and about and get some exercise and time outdoors away from a lot of people.

Disc Golf Offers Exercise And Fun In Quad-Cities' Era Of Social Distancing

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David Casas is a professional disc golfer who lives in the Quad-Cities and tours to disc golf tournaments across the country. He also teaches classes on the sport. He’s also a professional magician who performs regularly around the area, including at The Establishment Theater in Rock Island.

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