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Davenport’s Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

After much progress under its first director, Davenport’s Hilltop Campus Village (HCV) will be in the market for a new boss, as executive director Scott Tunnicliff recently told the board of directors he will retire as of June 30.

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

Scott Tunnicliff has been the HCV’s first executive director since August 2009.

“A great deal has been accomplished since the HCV’s founding, thanks to our volunteers, our working partnerships and support from Main Street Iowa,” said Tunnicliff, who’s headed the nonprofit for 11-plus years. “There are some important projects going forward right now, but it doesn’t make sense to wait for a lull in the action to hand the reins to someone else.”

“Scott’s experience in community and economic development has been a tremendous asset to the Hilltop Campus Village, as has his ability to connect with people and develop solid working relationship,” HCV board president Robert Lee said. “We understand and support his desire to retire, and are excited to move forward in finding a talented replacement.”

Jim Engle, director of the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, said that Tunnicliff has been a steady

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

Some Hilltop landmarks as seen on the group website, hilltopcampusvillage.org.

influence on Hilltop Campus Village. The area includes St. Ambrose University and is bounded by 5th Street on the south, Scott Street (and Gaines on campus) on the west, Lombard to the north and LeClaire Street on the east.

“He has been a terrific promoter of the district and I will always remember him for his tenacious efforts to get development projects done,” Engle said of the HCV director. “Plus, his support of our statewide Main Street efforts has been so important to us. He has made a genuine difference.”


Hilltop Campus Village is a Main Street Iowa urban commercial district, re-establishing itself as a vibrant area offering culture, education, shopping, dining and entertainment.

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

Hilltop Campus Village was formed as a nonprofit organization in 2009.

The preservation of historic properties, together with the improvement of buildings, redevelopment of vacant sites and upgrading of infrastructure are making the district more attractive, secure and livable, helping to restore civic pride in the area and in surrounding neighborhoods, according to the group website, hilltopcampusvillage.org.

Through interactive partnerships and the help of committed volunteers, the HCV district is attracting and retaining a diverse population, making it more financially stable and sustainable, and helping businesses and organizations create employment opportunities, the site says.

In addition to its unique commercial offerings, its educational, cultural and religious institutions make it a destination within walking and biking distance for students, residents and visitors.

Michael Wagler, Main Street Iowa’s state coordinator, said: “Scott’s work with the Hilltop district, program, and volunteers has been transformative to the future trajectory of the Hilltop Campus Village area. His professional experience and personal character has helped forge partnerships and relationships with the community that will be foundations for future success in the district.”

“A lot of wonderful things have happened over the past decade – Harrison Loft Apartments, Brenton Lofts, our Urban Gardens, the Brewed

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

Tunnicliff plans to ride into retirement as of June 30, 2021.

Book, and lots of other small businesses adding to our amenity base – all told over $100 million in restoration, redevelopment and reinvestment,” Tunnicliff said.

“But it would be wrong of me to try and take credit for any of the many projects that have taken place; they are the result of people recognizing opportunities presented to them, and moving forward with vision.”

“Right now, great things are happening in the Hilltop Campus Village,” added Ted Galvin, chair of the HCV Economic Development Committee.

“The Greatest Grains property at 1600 Harrison has been sold for redevelopment,” he noted. “There are big plans for re-use of the former banking branch at 1618 Main; residential conversions are taking place at 317 West 7th (the Roosevelt Apartments); 510 Brady (the Wupperman Block), 509/515 Ripley (Wohler Apartments), we expect to see come great creative re-use at 330 West 5th (the former Carl Cleve and Sons). There is a lot of work that has been done, and a lot left to do.”


Tunnicliff took the helm of the HCV in August 2009, when it was first organized, becoming its first director. He has worked for 35 years in the fields of community and economic development, mostly in the Q-C area.

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

The Brenton on Brady loft apartments, at 1606 Brady St., transformed a former bank building and opened Jan. 1, 2020.

One of the HCV’s biggest successes is the Brenton on Brady apartment complex, which opened in January 2020 at 1606 Brady St., a total renovation of the former 1967 Brenton First National Bank.

The redevelopment last month won the 2020 Main Street Iowa award for outstanding residential project and was also honored by 1000 Friends of Iowa as best renovated residential project.

In February, HCV posted on Facebook that Palmer College of Chiropractic is seeking to amend their zoning plan to add a 115-unit residential building for student housing. While this is located east of Perry, and just outside the Hilltop Campus Village boundaries, “this development would have a large positive impact on the Hilltop neighborhood,” HCV said.

“The addition of over a hundred Palmer students living just blocks away from our many small businesses and amenities would be a big win,

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

While technically outside the Hilltop borders, a planned Palmer College 115-unit housing complex would benefit the neighborhood.

and another step in continuing the progress that we’ve been making for over 10 years,” the group posted.

The HCV board has formed an Executive Search Task Force and will be circulating a job description to members of the community, various economic and community development organizations, and to Main Street Iowa.

As part of Main Street Iowa, HCV is among over 50 communities in Iowa connected to a network of 40 programs across the country, representing over 1,200 communities.

Using the Main Street approach, communities capitalize on the unique identity, assets and character of their historic commercial districts. The Main Street Approach consists of tightly integrated components making up a common-sense, strategy-driven framework that guides community-based downtown revitalization efforts, according to www.iowaeda.com/main-street-iowa/.

Anyone interested in the HCV director position is encouraged to submit a resume online to director@hilltopcampusvillage.org, or by mail to Hilltop Campus Village, 122 East 15th Street, Davenport, IA 52803, ATTN: HCV Executive Search Team.

You can see the job description HERE.

Davenport's Hilltop Campus Village to Search for New Executive Director

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Jonathan Turner has been covering the Quad-Cities arts scene for 25 years, first as a reporter with the Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, and then as a reporter with the Quad City Times. Jonathan is also an accomplished actor and musician who has been seen frequently on local theater stages, including the Bucktown Revue and Black Box Theatre.
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