  Tuesday - March 11th, 2025

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City Of Moline Presenting Public Sculpture Program

The City of Moline is joining the Public Sculpture Program, facilitated by Quad City Arts and funded by Renew Moline. Two new sculptures will be arriving on the riverfront in coming weeks. “Swans on the Marsh” by V. Skip Willits of Camanche, IA, will be mounted this week on the river walk at 15th Street. Regarding inspiration for the sculpture, Willits states, “I was walking along the shore of a marsh by the river one day and spied three swans on the water. This is my rendition of that scene.”

Arriving July 22nd on 17th Street near the KONE Building will be “Metamorphosis” by Hilde DeBruyne of Cumming, IA.

City Of Moline Presenting Public Sculpture ProgramDeBruyne describes her piece as “An organic, contemporary, streamlined sculpture in steel. It refers to the Metamorphosis of butterflies. Butterflies are a symbol of transformation, because of their impressive process of metamorphosis. By observing butterflies, we can relate to our own lives: Each of us transforms through multiple stages in our life: moments of growing pains, times of hunger and vulnerability followed by moments of tremendous energy, growth, wonder and amazement.”

“Public art is an important feature of a vibrant downtown,” said Alexandra Elias, President and CEO of Renew Moline. “We are happy to welcome these works to our riverfront experience.”  The City of Moline was in the planning stages of a Downtown Moline Public Art Master Plan when the pandemic limited public interaction. The plan is on hold until such time as the public can be re-engaged in the process. In the meantime, the Public Sculpture Program offers a convenient opportunity to bring joy to the community through public art.

Quad City Arts has facilitated the leasing and installation of public sculpture in the Quad Cities since 2002. All of the sculptures are for sale and can be purchased by individuals, businesses or the city for permanent installation after June 2021.

City Of Moline Presenting Public Sculpture Program

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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