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“Beauty and the Beast: In Concert” Hits the Adler Stage May 13

“Be Our Guest” and experience Disney’s Beauty and the Beast like never before on May 13!

In a “tale as old as time” Belle’s love must save the cursed prince and his entire castle from eternal enchantment.

Watch this timeless animated classic in its entirety as the Quad City Symphony Orchestra and chorus performs every note of Alan Menken’s Oscar®-winning score, including favorite songs “Belle,” “Something There,” “Gaston,” and “Beauty and the Beast.”

Save your favorite seat from year to year with a QCSO at the Movies Subscription!

Learn more: Quad City Symphony Orchestra

Sponsored, in part by Green State Credit Union. Presentation licensed by Disney Concerts.

“Beauty and the Beast: In Concert” Hits the Adler Stage May 13

“Beauty and the Beast: In Concert” Hits the Adler Stage May 13

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Tristan Layne Tapscott has been dubbed the “Quad Cities’ P.T. Barnum” and although the person who initially said it meant it as an insult, he happily accepts the title.

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