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All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!

Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about trains around the Quad-Cities.

There’s long been a push to get a train service between the Quad-Cities and Chicago, which would increase traffic and interaction between the two hubs. It would allow some people to even work in the Windy City while living in the Quad-Cities, as well as increase tourism up and back.

There’s also been a lot of talk, and some trepidation, about increased train traffic in downtown Davenport along the river. Many are fearful about increased train activity killing pedestrian traffic and making it difficult for businesses down there, particularly those like the Freight House and Modern Woodmen Park.

And then, there’s talk about other types of trains.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!




That’s right, we’re talking about the infamous Quad-Cities Sex Trains.

That’s the kind of talk that’s really been generating some steam on social media these days.

Now, because I have no hard evidence of these slippery shenanigans taking place other than a gang of hearsay, I’m going to refrain from naming names.

However, given how hotly trending and scandalously juicy this topic is, I couldn’t ignore it.


There’s been a lot of traffic on various social media platforms about a number of instances of strange and illicit sexual conduct taking place in a couple of big area businesses. These outfits are not only physically huge in terms of factory space and real estate, but they’re also big names that everyone recognizes.

The first stories started to come about about one particular business where, allegedly, orgies were taking place after hours on the premises, and they were discovered by the security folks looking at the cameras which had recorded the festivities.

That story was then downplayed by some folks commenting on social, who said that it wasn’t orgies, it was just a number of different interoffice couples who had availed themselves of the office as a defacto no-tell motel. However, the frequency of the interactions and the increasing number of couples engaging in this caused people to misunderstand the rumors going around and think that it was all happening at once.

There are also people saying that this has been happening at three different local businesses and different locations of those businesses.

And now you can see why I’m not naming names. It’s just been a lot of hearsay, lascivious gossip, and memes.

But it’s been all people have been talking about, so, I really couldn’t avoid it.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!

Paging Dr. Freud.

The most explosive story of the bunch posits that there was actually a regular “sex train” going on at one of the factories, involving a number of lewd activities being indulged in by a large number of employees and several ladies offering intimate companionship for hire. These rumors are accompanied by the insistence that anywhere from a dozen to four dozen employees were fired from the company for taking part in this on company property.

Is any of this true?

Does it matter?

It certainly seems like it doesn’t. People keep spreading the rumor, keep creating memes, and keep exaggerating the story to where new and more saucy details keep on getting added by the hour.

And that’s why this is so interesting, because it’s a local look at how social media works. It’s the most technologically sophisticated game of telephone that’s ever been played.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!


Do we know if it’s true?

Do you trust random people insisting it is?

Does it matter?

In a case like this, it’s probably not that big of a deal. People like me are sort of bemused by it, entertained as we watch it unfold and develop from afar.

But it also illustrates how nobody is really sure what the facts are, but they keep spreading the information, and more and more people keep chiming in, absolutely certain that they are telling the truth and providing iron-clad corroborative evidence to prove it, while others just as absolutely certain refute what they’re saying and provide contrary evidence of their own.

Is any of the evidence I’ve seen video of the events? Nope.

Is any of the evidence I’ve seen paperwork showing someone getting written up or fired over the events? Nope.

Is any of the evidence I’ve seen anything other than hearsay and one Only Fans link to an alleged participant in the festivities? Nope.

So in the end, all it is is nothing but a rumor.

A very entertaining rumor, a very scandalous and juicy rumor, but still, nothing but a rumor.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!

All you people disgust Thomas.

I’m not going to lie, I’ll continue to follow this story, because it’s exactly the kind of strange and entertaining stuff I’m amused by on social media. I’m not alone, obviously, since others are likewise following it.

But I can’t help but think, and I hope I’m not alone, that Thomas the Train Engine would probably be really ashamed of us.

Not Sir Topham Hatt though.

That guy’s a total perv.

I know it for a fact, because James and the troublesome trucks told me.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!

Sir Topham Hatt. Total perv.

All Aboard For The Infamous Quad-Cities Sex Train Story!

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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