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BREAKING: Illinois Covid Numbers ‘Going In The Wrong Direction Fast,’ Could Fall Be A Disaster?

BREAKING NEWS: Illinois covid-19 numbers are “going in the wrong direction fast, and looking bad for fall,” according to Covid-19 Illinois, a not-for-profit group which presents and analyzes statewide data on the pandemic.

BREAKING: Illinois Covid Numbers 'Going In The Wrong Direction Fast,' Could Fall Be A Disaster?

Covid-19 data is available at the CDC website, which you can click through by clicking on this graphic.

The group released its latest analysis for the previous week, two weeks, and month, on Monday. According to Covid-19 Illinois,497 Illinoisans died from Covid-19 in the last 15 days; and 506 in the entire month of August.

“Last September before the vaccine, 307 died from Covid-19 in the first 15 days of September, this is a 40% increase this same period,” the site reported. “We’re on pace to lose 1,000 to Covid-19 this month alone.
“Last year cases leveled off during this time period, same as this year. We’re at a MUCH higher rate of cases this year compared to last.
Last year we SURGED in the second week of October. We have 3 weeks to get cases down before a potential fall surge.
“In addition, there are much less available ICU beds available this year compared to last due to staffing shortages. A surge will fill those 550 open ICU beds up fast.”
Positivity rates are falling and cases have leveled off, but we’re deep into the summer wave now with 400+ deaths this Month already and ICU’s in southern IL at 100% capacity.
In the Quad-Cities, the Rock Island County Health Department reported 100 new cases of COVID-19 since Friday. The total number of cases is now 17,443. Currently, 37 patients are hospitalized in the county with the virus. The average age of newly infected patients is 34. The number of deaths remains 344.
As previously reported on QuadCities.com, starting today, all Illinois teachers and school workers are required to get a covid-19 vaccination or have weekly tests for covid.
For ongoing coverage of this important issue, please continue to check out QuadCities.com.
BREAKING: Illinois Covid Numbers 'Going In The Wrong Direction Fast,' Could Fall Be A Disaster?

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Sean Leary Director of Digital Media

Sean Leary is an author, director, artist, musician, producer and entrepreneur who has been writing professionally since debuting at age 11 in the pages of the Comics Buyers Guide. An honors graduate of the University of Southern California masters program, he has written over 50 books including the best-sellers The Arimathean, Every Number is Lucky to Someone and We Are All Characters.

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