Have A Happy And SAFE Fourth Of July By Following Smart Fireworks Precautions
It’s Independence Day weekend, and as such, as you may have heard — literally — people will be lighting off a lot of fireworks!
We at QuadCities.com encourage everyone to celebrate in a fun and safe manner, and to emerge from this weekend with all of your fingers and toes intact.

Free viewing areas for the fireworks include Schwiebert Riverfront Park, Modern Woodmen Park, Quinlan Court, and Rock Island Arsenal.
We asked our friends at Genesis Health Center about last year’s numbers in regard to injuries, and they noted that they saw more folks coming in with accidents.
“Last year 2020, Genesis Medical Center-Davenport saw we had an increase of firework injuries as compared to the last few years with 12 fireworks-related injuries treated by emergency department around Independence Day holiday,” said Andrea Bladel, RN, BSN, Trauma Nurse Coordinator at Genesis Medical Center-Davenport. “Previous years have been 3-4 similar injuries per year.”
What caused most of the injuries?
“The majority were hand injuries with the firework/dynamite exploding while holding it,” Bladel said. “Some fireworks exploded on the ground with individual standing near by the firework. A majority of the injuries were life-altering hand injuries. Individuals are often transferred to higher level of care for a hand surgeon, sometime we are able to care for the injury here, a few are able to follow-up with Genesis wound clinic or the burn clinic at UIHC”
Again, we encourage you all to have a very happy and SAFE holiday weekend, and please follow all necessary precautions to make sure you and your loved ones are healthy and happy! Have a great Fourth of July!