A Video You Deserve With Quad-Cities Ties…
Mondays can be rough.
And so, every Monday, we give you a music video. A fun, funny music video. Something that’ll make you smile, make you laugh, make you reminisce, and make you realize that back in the day, music video creators were probably either insane or heavily intoxicated. But were also incredibly entertaining.
We call this feature, The Video You Deserve, and you can find it every Monday on your site for fun, free entertainment and features, QuadCities.com.
Our latest video is a one-hit-wonder with a Quad-Cities tie, as the lead singer of the band of this hit, Rick Jacobs, was born and grew up in Moline!
However, that was short-lived, and he ended up moving to Downers Grove, near Chicago, and then on to Los Angeles, when he joined a band named Steel Breeze, which landed a record deal based upon a demo for this particular song. The tune was so immediately catchy that their label heard a hit, and signed the group. The label was right, as the song zoomed up the charts to peak at number 16, and along with it, it generated one of the cheesiest videos of all time, one which was overtly cheeseball due to its low-fi effects, as well as its ridiculous plotline and premise, which perfectly fit the bubblegum pop of the song.
The song?
“You Don’t Want Me Anymore,” by Steel Breeze.
And here’s your Video You Deserve…