4th Annual Teen Silent Reading Party Hosted by the Davenport Public Library
Do you just want to go to a party where you can silently sit in a corner and read and it won’t be weird at all and you will actually win a bunch of stuff for it? Yes! And maybe every once in a while you can join in an online staring contest or try eating odd pop rocks combinations? Then you are invited to the Library’s 4th Annual Teen Silent Reading Party on Tuesday, June 22nd at 6:00 pm! We are going virtual again this year so join us in competing in random online challenges, reading a lot, and winning so many prizes–books, random swag, and gift cards–all while staying completely silent for an hour and a half.
Teens only (ages 11-19) and registration required. Register at https://bit.ly/teensilentreadingparty.
This event is FREE and open to the public. For more information visit www.davenportlibrary.com or call the library at (563) 326-7832.