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Earth Groans, Snailmate, Antipathist, Evergloom To Rock The Island

Looking for a high-energy concert with passion-filled lyrics? Then come check out The Island, this weekend!

The Island- QC DIY Music Venue is hosting an impressive line-up of four unforgettable bands this Friday July 7. Earth Groans, Snailmate, Antipathist and Evergloom will be rocking out for your moshing pleasures.

Earth Groans, Snailmate, Antipathist, Evergloom To Rock The Island

Earth Groans, based out of Southeastern South Dakota was recently signed to Solid State Records. Pulling inspirations from hardcore, metal, odd time and death-core inspirations, Earth Groans creates an experience of organized dissonance and very aggressive vocals. As front man Jeremy states, “No one whispers about something they are passionate about”. Find out more about the band at http://earthgroans.com.

Snailmate was formed in 2015 in Phoenix and is now touring across the world. They book and fund all their own tours, as well as screen printing shirts, producing buttons, designing posters and more. It has been said the nerdcore duo bring such an exciting show because you never know what to expect with them. Find out more about the band at https://www.snailmate.com/.

Antipathist, a hardcore metal group, and Evergloom, a hardcore melodic group, are both from Illinois and will most definitely not disappoint!

Make sure to head down to The Island, located at 1405 15th Street Moline, this weekend for a one of a kind show!


Earth Groans, Snailmate, Antipathist, Evergloom To Rock The Island

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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