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Bass Street Landing 2019 Summer Concert Series Has Arrived!

There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting outside on a nice breezy summer evening and enjoying some free live music. That’s right, free!Bass Street Landing 2019 Summer Concert Series Has Arrived!

Every Thursday night throughout the summer, the Moline Centre holds a free concert series on the Plaza at Bass Street Landing just off 17th Street in Moline. The concerts go from 7-9 p.m. and all you need to bring is a lawn chair! Food and beverages are also available for purchase.


Here is the line-up of concerts for the 2019 season:


May 30                Class of ‘82

June 6                 Avon Dale

June 13               Minus Six

June 20               Wicked Liz & The Bellyswirls

June 27               Gray Wolf Band

July 4                   Been There Done That

July 11                 The Crooked Cactus Band

July 18                 The Stone Flowers

July 25                 North of 40

August 1             50 Shades of Rock

August 8             Corporate Rock

August 15           Vice Squad Band

August 22           The Candymakers

August 29           Soul Storm


Let the summer concert series commence!

Bass Street Landing 2019 Summer Concert Series Has Arrived!

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Tess Abney was born and raised in the Quad Cities. Her passion for writing and entertainment was apparent at a very young age. Whether it is sharing local events and businesses with readers or sharing her thoughts on life, she finds comfort in the way words can bring people together.

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